Tracking them down / 03

We tracked down and interviewed past speakers to find out what they have been up to since they were on the TEDxNicosia stage.


Maria Vilanidou

We constantly find ourselves out of balance said Maria Vilanidou at TEDxNicosia in 2013. And she’s right. There seems to be a constant battle between rational and emotional, right and wrong, together or alone, success or failure, seriousness or playfulness, material or spiritual. But can’t we be both?


What was your idea worth spreading at TEDxNicosia about?

Choosing to embrace our spiritual self for the purpose of finding a healthy balance through integrating the material and the spiritual worlds thus opening ourselves to our wholeness.

Did you receive any feedback after your talk? If so, what was it?

I was happy to hear that there were people who enjoyed the talk. They experienced the talk as calming, inspiring and overwhelmingly refreshing.  They loved how the talk carried a sense of softness that touched their hearts.

Since then, has your idea expanded to cover new ground?

The journey of self-exploration is without limits as the list of opposites within us can be endless. We mature through understanding the struggle between these opposing forces and by learning to integrate them.  And that takes constant work. It is through inner work that we escape living on the polar opposites of ourselves and learn how to live in the space of wholeness where balance resides.

Today, what kind of traces can be found leading back to your idea?

Traces are ever present as long as one is willing to see them. Traces that go beyond the daily roles we are asked or choose to play. Traces that run deeper in us while they are reflected in more subtle ways in others. Traces that manage to escape the human mechanical behavior and bring more awareness and aliveness in our daily lives. Traces of openness that allow life and love to flow and connect us with others. Traces that reveal the beauty of life, which is big enough to include it all – the positive, the negative and beyond. Traces that reveal the true value of inner work. Traces that make life more enjoyable and meaningful. Traces that remind us that the magic is inside of us, and that by learning to open our hearts this becomes visible.

What does the future hold for you and your idea?

Being courageous in constantly transcending our dualistic mind by flirting with the opposite polar in us. I have come to realize that there is no end to the journey of self-exploration and maturity as consciousness has many layers. Conquering our mind and becoming the masters of it is a lifelong journey filled with realizations, there is no end to it, and so I am embracing this journey inviting spirituality as my companion.

You can watch Maria’s talk here.

Roddy Damalis

Roddy Damalis has unprecedentedly contributed to modern Cypriot cuisine but at TedxNicosia in 2013 he got personal and utterly inspiring. He shared his story of an unstable childhood, life’s tragic yet beautiful ingredients mixed and stirred to create the aroma and taste of a life worth living.



What was your idea worth spreading?

My idea worth spreading was to take what life and circumstances gives us and to use them to survive and flourish. I believe that our characters get formed and strengthened by life’s adversities if we embrace them rather than avoid them. We are extremely versatile, creative and resilient creatures and I have always celebrated that fact.

Did you receive any feedback after your talk? If so what was it?

I received enormous amounts of feedback because I had decided to be brutally honest in my talk both to my audience and to myself. This had the most incredible effect in the way that people perceived me because they only knew the professional persona that I chose to share. After my talk people both in my work environment as well as in my social life made a concerted effort to thank me for sharing such intimate aspects of my life. The respect, acceptance and acknowledgment has been life altering to me as I now feel cemented into the society around me on a deeper and more sincere level. Those 18 minutes on stage were worth countless hours of therapy and soul searching.

Since then has your idea expanded to cover new ground?

I would say that my idea has evolved within me as i am more aware of my motives and actions. This is a most empowering position to be in.

Today, what kind of traces can be found leading back to your idea?

I relish the fact that food and the energy of creating and expressing myself with it as my medium is still at the centre of everything that I do.

What does the future hold for you and your idea?

I see my relationship with food and the people surrounding the ritual of all things culinary continuing, growing and evolving.

You can watch Roddy’s talk here.